Montgomery Junior School

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Montgomery Junior School

Open Your Mind - Choose Your Future

  1. Our School
  2. Curriculum
  3. Approach to Teaching the Curriculum

Teaching the Curriculum

Montgomery Junior School has spent a considerable amount of time consulting with children, parents and staff about our ambitious new curriculum, which was launched in September 2019  and has been uplevelled annually since then..

Following the requirements set out in the National Curriculum for England (2014) we aim to ensure each curriculum area is taught in an engaging and relevant way using a range of teaching approaches. For each subject area a balance of knowledge and skills will be taught to the children with the aim that a deep and rich curriculum inspires a life long love of learning in all of our children. We aim to take the children on at least two trips a year to widen their learning experiences and to invite a variety of different visitors into school to provide extra specialist tuition in certain areas such as drama or PE.

As part of our extensive extra curricular provision, we  increased the amount of clubs, including PE options,  on offer and some exciting new additions were included; for example- Girls' Football, Dance & Gardening Club. There may be charges for some of the extra curricular sports offered depending on the providers.

The required content within the latest National Curriculum (set out in English, mathematics, science, art & design, computing, design & technology, geography, history, languages, music and physical education) is mapped out within our long-term framework, divided into year groups. Early morning and extra-curricular provision adds further opportunities for many children. Intervention support is offered throughout each year to children for whom this is deemed necessary.



At Montgomery Junior school we provide opportunities for pupils to explore their own culture and have a clear understanding and appreciation of a wide range of the cultural influences that have shaped modern Britain. We are a school for all. We recognise the multi-cultural, multi-faith nature of our community and of Britain. We understand the crucial role our school plays in promoting British Values. Each Monday assembly there is a slide reminding children about the link to a different British Value.

We promote the five fundamental British Values by:


· Involving our pupils in democratic systems in the school e.g. School Council elections

· Drawing attention to major political events taking place in Britain e.g. General Election, Party Leadership Elections

· Teaching children about the British system of government

· Encouraging the respect of public instructions and services in Britain

The Rule of the Law

· Implementing a clearly structured behaviour policy which all stakeholders understand and follow

· Teaching children the value and reason behind the school rules and British law and that there are consequences if these are broken

· Delivering assemblies with a focus on the law 

· Implementing a positive school award system of Monty Merits

Individual Liberty

· Giving pupils key roles and responsibilities in school such as School Council Members and Eco Committee Members

· Encouraging and providing opportunities within school for children to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment

· Educating and providing boundaries for children to make choices safely

Mutual Respect

· Having a Relationship and Health Education curriculum that embodies the values of mutual respect through units of learning such as relationships and being a responsible citizen

· Providing a range of sporting activities promoting an attitude of equality and mutual respect

·· Acknowledging publically the awards and achievements of the children gained from outside of school in our Monty Achievers' section of the newsletter

· Ensuring that pupils learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

· Implementing an RE curriculum that provides a broad and balanced curriculum of a range of faiths, religions and cultures

· Regularly celebrating festivals and celebrations of a range of faiths practiced in modern Britain

· Encouraging members of different faiths and religions to share their knowledge to enhance learning and understanding within the classes and the school

· Reinforcing themes within assemblies and discussions which involve prejudice, understanding and tolerance, supported by learning in RE and PSHE