Montgomery Junior School

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Montgomery Junior School

Open Your Mind - Choose Your Future

  1. Our School
  2. Safeguarding

Safeguarding at Montgomery Junior School

Latest News    The Department for Education has issued updated statutory guidance for school and colleges on safeguarding children, which can be accessed below :

As a School

As a school, we take the safeguarding of your children very seriously. We have put in place robust procedures, linked to comprehensive staff training, to ensure that every child is protected from harm as much as is practically possible. We educate pupils in the dangers of the 'real world' as well their now very 'real online world'. We do this through assemblies, curriculum based work and the use of external providers. 

The school is statutorily obliged to have in place robust policy on safeguarding and child protection, available for download below.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy September 2024

All staff are trained annually in safeguarding and educated on all aspects of child protection, including looking for signs of abuse (which can be physical, emotional, sexual or neglect). They have a duty to report any concerns to the school's Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Michelle Wright) or the Deputy Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Emma Tweed). They have a duty to assess the concerns raised and decide on the course of action to take, including notifying Social Care and/or the police, if the concerns warranted this. 


As a Parent

Bringing up young children has always been a challenge. Today the challenges are even greater with the mushrooming influence of the Internet and children's access to devices that can use this. 

As parents you will always want to provide your child with a loving and caring home environment. An environment that keeps your children safe from physical harm, where they have access to food and the opportunities we would like for all our children. You will care for them, ensure they get the sleep they need and prevent them from playing or seeing inappropriate material through computer games or the television.

The use of electronic devices connected to the internet is an ever increasing part of children's lives. As adults the reality for most of us is that we do not really know what children are doing or who they are speaking with whilst accessing the Internet. They play games such as Roblox and use apps such as Instagram;  Tik Tok; You Tube and Snapchat during which they interact with 'friends', the identities of which they often have no clue. We encourage you to find out what your child accesses online and look carefully into what it can do. For example, every picture uploaded to the Internet can be traced back to its source, an actual address. In reality, a child posting a 'selfie' online could be giving a paedophile his or her address.

To help your child stay safe, take a look at the following web-sites. It is worth the time and trouble. 

CEOPS (Child Exploitation & Online Protection)
